I have received a varsity letter award for BPA. This year has not yet started, but last regionals, I earned 1st in Finical Math & Analysis and 2nd Place in both Payroll Accounting and Entrepreneurship. At state, I got 4th place in I.T Concepts and finalist in Entrepreneurship. At Nationals I earned 44th in I.T and 36th in Finical Math & Analysis.
Hover a face for the name!
Last year I volunteered for over 50 hours! These 50 hours took place at various schools, community organizations, and community events. Two examples are last December when I helped out the Chisago Lakes Rotary Club with their Santa Sleigh house to house Donation Collection, and the other example can be found by clicking the image of me and some friends at the Chisago Lakes Library.
Last year I volunteered for over 50 hours! These 50 hours took place at various schools, community organizations, and community events. Two examples are last December when I helped out the Chisago Lakes Rotary Club with their Santa Sleigh house to house Donation Collection, and the other example can be found by clicking the image of me and some friends at the Chisago Lakes Library.
I've always had a fascination with electronics, both on the software and hardware side. As a result, one of my favorite hobbies is building custom computers, custom keyboards, and modifying old tech with modern standards. Some examples are this Gameboy Pocket I modded to have an IPS display and rechargeable battery and the custom keyboard I built with Lubed Gateron Yellows on a DZ60 motherboard.
At NWHS, I take care of dogs roughly 4 hours a month (sometimes more if they are short on people for other shifts). Specifically, I walk dogs, watch for any behavioral changes, monitor feces health, communicate animal personalities with staff, and help adoption councilors better understand the dogs' personalities.
At NWHS, I take care of dogs roughly 4 hours a month (sometimes more if they are short on people for other shifts). Specifically, I walk dogs, watch for any behavioral changes, monitor feces health, communicate animal personalities with staff, and help adoption councilors better understand the dogs' personalities.
The 2023-2024 season is only midway through. However, last year at CLHS we got first in the division, and I not only got the highest scorer on the team but was also one of the highest scorers in the division. In both 10th and 11th grade, I got a varsity letter award. Additionally, I am in charge of designing and contracting the production of team clothes and jerseys. Alongside this, I'm the leading captain and in charge of running CLHS's 40-person Math League team!